Feature Pack for SQL Server 2005 December 2008 Download the December 2008 Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005, a collection of standalone install packages that provide additional value for SQL Server 2005. |
12/15/2008 |
Microsoft SQL Server Protocol Documentation The Microsoft SQL Server protocol documentation provides technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary protocols that are implemented and used in Microsoft SQL Server 2008. |
12/15/2008 |
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP3 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services is a free, easy-to use version of SQL Server Express that includes more features and makes it easier than ever to start developing powerful data-driven applications for web or local desktop development. |
12/15/2008 |
SQL Server Management Studio Express SP3 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) is a free, easy-to-use graphical management tool for managing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services. |
12/15/2008 |
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit SP3 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit provides additional tools and resources for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services. |
12/15/2008 |
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP3 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is a free, easy-to-use, lightweight version of SQL Server 2005. It is fast and easy to learn, allowing you to quickly develop and deploy dynamic data-driven applications. |
12/15/2008 |
SQL Server Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007 Download SQL Server 2005 Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007. This package includes two add-ins for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Table Analysis Tools and Data Mining Client) and one add-in for Microsoft Office Visio 2007 (Data Mining Templates). |
12/15/2008 |
SQL Server Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Technologies The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies is a Web download that provides features for running a report server within a larger deployment of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. |
[SQL]SQL Server2005 Sp3
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- SQL分页查询:offset xxx rows fetch next xxx rows only 方式_陈皮糖chen的博客-CSDN博客
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- 如何使用SQL Server链接服务器访问DB2 Server - 寒枫 - 博客园