[转载]Use External Interface of Flash 8 in Python and C# Applications Open Source Flash.
A discussion about the External Interface of Flash8 has been post in this thread. And here we demonstrate how to use External Interface of Flash8 in Python and C# applications, we talk about how to serialize/deserialize the data passed through External Interface from/to Python and C#, and how to wrap these things up.
Data Structure in Xml
Data exchange through the External Interface is in a Xml-Rpc alike structure, so we need to write something serializer/deserializer to handle it, in this case, I use a separate class to handle this in Python and C#. For the detail, you should check the source code by yourself.
And the Wrapper
For easy use, We need a wrapper class around the Flash ax control, which help us registering callback functions for Flash side and calling Flash side functions. Check the source.
The Echo Sample
We supply a echo sample in both Python and C# files, which demonstrate the usage of the wrapper and the data conversion between Flash and the host.
/* * Jarrad Hope - May 2006 player.js * Enjoy! * jsc.exe /target:winexe player.js */ import System; import System.Windows.Forms; import System.ComponentModel; import System.Drawing; import System.IO; import AxShockwaveFlashObjects; public class swfWindow extends Form { private var mrSwf : AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash; function swfWindow() { var startupSize = new System.Drawing.Size(800, 600); // Swf Setup this.mrSwf = new AxShockwaveFlash(); this.mrSwf.BeginInit(); this.mrSwf.Location = new Point(0,0); this.mrSwf.Name = "mrSwf"; this.mrSwf.TabIndex = 0; this.Controls.Add(this.mrSwf); this.mrSwf.Size = startupSize; this.mrSwf.EndInit() // Window Setup this.mrSwf.Movie=Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),"test.swf"); this.FormBorderStyle = 1; //Fixed Size this.ClientSize = startupSize; //ExternalInterface EXE->SWF var recCall = this.mrSwf.CallFunction("<invoke name=\"callSwf\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments><string>Ping!</string></arguments></invoke>"); MessageBox.Show(recCall); } } var window : swfWindow = new swfWindow(); window.ShowDialog();
class TestEIFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self,None,-1, title='Test External Interface Between Python And Flash 8 - Echo', size=(408,270)) self.p=wx.Panel(self,-1) self.t=wx.TextCtrl(self.p,-1,pos=(200,0),size=(200,200),value='External Interface Echo', style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) self.b=wx.Button(self.p,-1,pos=(200,205),size=(200,30),label='Press to Call Flash!') wx.EVT_BUTTON(self.b,self.b.GetId(),self.OnButton) self.asf=AxShockwaveFlashEx(self.p,-1,size=(200,240)) self.asf.Scale='noScale' self.asf.Menu=False self.asf.RegisterCallback('echo',self.echo) self.asf.Movie=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'eiecho.swf') return def echo(self,data): self.t.SetValue('Argument Received from Flash:\n\n') self.t.AppendText(str(data)) return data def OnButton(self,evt): data={'a':705, 'b':random.random(), 'c':u'Hello World \u6587\u5b57 - Python', 'd':[3,9,27], 'e':None, 'f':{'x':2.0,'y':4.5}, 'g':"", } self.t.SetValue('Argument Sended to Flash:\n\n') self.t.AppendText(str(data)) data=self.asf.FlashSide.echo(data) self.t.AppendText('\n\nReturn Value from Flash:\n\n') self.t.AppendText(str(data)) return
public class MainForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form { private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1; private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1; private EIFlash.AxShockwaveFlashEx axShockwaveFlashEx1; public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); axShockwaveFlashEx1.Movie=System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),"eiecho.swf"); axShockwaveFlashEx1.RegisterCallback("echo",new DgEcho(Echo)); } [STAThread] public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Run(new MainForm()); } #region Windows Forms Designer generated code private void InitializeComponent() { ... } #endregion void InvokeFlashEcho(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Hashtable echodata=new Hashtable(); echodata.Add("a",100); System.Random r=new System.Random(); echodata.Add("b",r.NextDouble()); echodata.Add("c","Hello World 文字 - C#"); echodata.Add("d",new int[]{2,4,8}); echodata.Add("e",null); echodata.Add("f",false); Hashtable g=new Hashtable(); g.Add("x",2.5); g.Add("y",7.525); echodata.Add("g",g); textBox1.Text="Argument Sended to Flash:\r\n\r\n"; textBox1.Text+=Repr(echodata); object o=axShockwaveFlashEx1.CallFlashEx("echo",echodata); textBox1.Text+="\r\n\r\nReturn Value from Flash:\r\n\r\n"; textBox1.Text+=Repr(o); } string Repr(object o) { if(o==null){ return "<null>"; } Type t=o.GetType(); if(t==typeof(bool)){ return "<bool:"+o.ToString()+">"; } if(o is IList){ IList a=(IList)o; string[] ss=new string[a.Count]; for(int i=0;i<a.Count;i++){ ss[i]=Repr(a[i]); } return "<"+t+"["+String.Join(", ",ss)+"]>"; } if(o is IDictionary){ IDictionary d=(IDictionary)o; string[] ss=new string[d.Count]; int i=0; foreach(object k in d.Keys){ ss[i++]=k.ToString()+": "+Repr(d[k]); } return "<"+t+"{"+String.Join(", ",ss)+"}>"; } return o.ToString(); } object Echo(object data) { textBox1.Text="Argument Received from Flash:\r\n\r\n"+Repr(data); return data; } delegate object DgEcho(object data); }