[转载]SQL Server里面Deadlock 似乎无可避免 – Procez One 基于.Net 的工作流 – 博客园.
从SQL Server的Online Book里面描述Deadlock策略里面发现有下面的一种情况:
Worker threads. A queued task waiting for an available worker thread can cause deadlock. If the queued task owns resources that are blocking all worker threads, a deadlock will result. For example, session S1 starts a transaction and acquires a shared (S) lock on row r1 and then goes to sleep. Active sessions running on all available worker threads are trying to acquire exclusive (X) locks on row r1. Because session S1 cannot acquire a worker thread, it cannot commit the transaction and release the lock on row r1. This results in a deadlock.

- 而要避免第一张图的情况好像是不太可能,除非你每个SQL 语句都加上With Nolock,第一张图的情况基本上只能够通过减少查询时间,减少事务处理的时间来减少而无可避免。