AndAR项目是Andorid的(Augmented Reality)增强现实开源项目
The whole project is released under the GNU General Public License. This means it can be used in any project that is itself released under the GPL. If you would like to create a commercial application based on AndAR please contact ARToolworks.
Eclipse sample project Howto
This section is about the Eclipse sample project, alternatively you may check out the source code from the SVN repository.
- Download and install Eclipse.(Eclipse IDE for Java Developers)
- Install the Android Plugin for Eclipse, as described in the Android docs.
- Download the Eclipse sample project, here.
- Unzip it somewhere
- Now start Eclipse.
- File -> Import
- General -> Existing projects into workspace
- Select the unzipped folder
- enjoy 😀
- Send me an email, so that I can add you to the wiki page.
AndAR Architecture
AndAR is an Augmented Reality Framework for Android. It not only offers a pure Java API but is also object oriented. The figure above shows a simplied class diagram of an application that makes use of AndAR.
Every Android application consists of one or more Activities. An Activity is a visual user interface, targeted to a single purpose. Only one may be active at a time. In order to write an Augmented Reality application, one has to extend the abstract class AndARActivity. This class already handles everything Augmented Reality related, like opening the camera, detecting the markers and displaying the video stream. The application would run already, by just doing that. However it would not detect any markers.
In order to do so, you have to register ARObjects to an instance of ARToolkit. This instance can be retrieved from the AndARActivity. The ARObject class itself is abstract. This means, it has to be extended, too. It expects the file name of a pattern file in it’s constructor. This file must be located in the assets folder of the Eclipse project.
Pattern files can be created by a tool called mk_patt, as described here. They are used to distinguish different markers. In order to draw a custom object, the method draw has to be overridden. Before this method is invoked a transformation matrix will already have been applied. This means the object will be alligned to the marker, without any further steps. This method will not be invoked, if the marker belonging to this object is not visible.
The class ARRenderer is reponsible for everything OpenGL related. If you want to mix augmented with non augmented 3D objects you may provide a class implementing the OpenGLRenderer interface. There are three methods defined by this interface. initGL being called only once, when the OpenGL surface is initialized. Whereas setupEnv is called once before the augmented objects are drawn. It can be used to issue OpenGL commands that shall effect all ARObjects, like initializing the lighting. In the draw method you may draw any non augmented 3D objects. It will be called once for every frame. Specifying such the described renderer is optional. The AndARActivity furthermore offers a method that allows the application to take screenshots.