[转载]Android学习之 Intent – 潺缘 – 博客园.
Intent 是Android Activity之间传递数据的桥梁!
Android uses Intents to do specific jobs within applications.
下面,是一段我从《Android, A programmer’s guide》中摘的一段话,
Once you master the use of Intents, a whole new world of application
development will be open to you. This section defines what an Intent is and how it is used.
An Intent is Android’s method for relaying certain information from one Activity to
another. An Intent, in simpler terms, expresses to Android your intent to do something.
You can think of an Intent as a message passed between Activities. For example, assume
that you have an Activity that needs to open a web browser and display a page on your
Android device. Your Activity would send an “intent to open x page in the web browser,”
known as a WEB_SEARCH_ACTION Intent, to the Android Intent Resolver. The Intent
Resolver parses through a list of Activities and chooses the one that would best match
your Intent; in this case, the Web Browser Activity. The Intent Resolver then passes your
page to the web browser and starts the Web Browser Activity.
Intents 分为两大类:
● Activity 间动作 Intents
且只能一个Activity可以处理这个Intent, 例如,浏览一个网页,你需要打开一个Web Browser Activity.
● 广播型Intents
这些Intents 发送给多个 Activities 进行处理.
01 |
package nw.neugls.first; |
03 |
import android.app.Activity; |
04 |
import android.content.Intent; |
05 |
import android.os.Bundle; |
06 |
import android.view.View; |
07 |
import android.view.View.OnClickListener; |
08 |
import android.widget.Button; |
09 |
import android.widget.TextView; |
11 |
public class Android01 extends Activity { |
12 |
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ |
14 |
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { |
15 |
super .onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
16 |
setContentView(R.layout.main); |
18 |
TextView MyTextView=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.MyTextView); |
19 |
Button MyButton=(Button)findViewById(R.id.MyButton); |
21 |
MyTextView.setText( "My first Activity" ); |
22 |
MyButton.setText( "Click me" ); |
23 |
MyButton.setOnClickListener( new MyButtonListener()); |
27 |
class MyButtonListener implements OnClickListener{ |
30 |
public void onClick(View arg0) { |
32 |
Intent intent= new Intent(); |
33 |
intent.setClass(Android01. this ,Activity02. class ); |
34 |
intent.putExtra( "Key" , "NeuglsWorkStudio" ); |
35 |
Android01. this .startActivity(intent); |
在上面的代码中,我们可以看到,我在这个Activity中包含两个控件:一个是TextView MyTextView, 另一个是Button MyButton.
findViewByID(int resourceID)只能被用在View 上面。这些View 是放进布局中的。而这个布局被Activity 使用setContentView()
方法1. 将鼠标放在MyButtonListener上,会出现一人提示:

点击Add unimplemented methods就可以了!
方法2.点击右键或者按Alt+Shift+S,选择Override/Implements methods

1 |
public void onClick(View arg0) { |
3 |
Intent intent= new Intent(); |
4 |
intent.setClass(Android01. this ,Activity02. class ); |
5 |
intent.putExtra( "Key" , "NeuglsWorkStudio" ); |
6 |
Android01. this .startActivity(intent); |
Intent intent=new Intent() 创建了一个intent实例。
public IntentsetClass(Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)
packageContext: A Context of the application package implementing this class.
cls: The class name to set, equivalent to setClassName(context, cls.getName())
要设置的类名!相当于setClassName(context, cls.getName())
意思是告诉Android, Context要启动一个Activity,他的名这是cls。
intent.putExtra(“Key”, “NeuglsWorkStudio”);
01 |
package nw.neugls.first; |
03 |
import android.app.Activity; |
04 |
import android.content.Intent; |
05 |
import android.net.Uri; |
06 |
import android.os.Bundle; |
07 |
import android.view.View; |
08 |
import android.view.View.OnClickListener; |
09 |
import android.widget.Button; |
10 |
import android.widget.TextView; |
12 |
public class Activity02 extends Activity { |
15 |
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { |
17 |
super .onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
19 |
setContentView(R.layout.activity02); |
20 |
TextView tvActivity2=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.tvActivity02); |
22 |
Intent intent=getIntent(); |
24 |
String str=intent.getStringExtra( "Key" ); |
26 |
Button CreateMsgBtn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.btnCreateMsg); |
27 |
CreateMsgBtn.setText( "Create Message" ); |
28 |
CreateMsgBtn.setOnClickListener( new CreateMsgBtnListener()); |
30 |
tvActivity2.setText(str); |
33 |
class CreateMsgBtnListener implements OnClickListener{ |
36 |
public void onClick(View arg0) { |
40 |
Intent intent= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO,uri); |
41 |
intent.putExtra( "sms_body" , "Write to neugls" ); |
42 |
startActivity(intent); |
在这个Activity中还有一个Button CreateMsgBtn. 这个Button的OnClick代码中演示了Intent如何用于启动另一个App!上面代码是演示如何发送消息。
01 |
Button CreateMsgBtn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.btnCreateMsg); |
02 |
CreateMsgBtn.setText( "Create Message" ); |
03 |
CreateMsgBtn.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener(){ |
05 |
public void onClick(View v){ |
06 |
Intent intent= new Intent(Android01. this ,Activity02. class ); |