[转载]基于stratus +flex+MySQL的简易在线随机视频聊天室的开发 – 疯狂的八神庵 – 博客园.
前段时间听说flashplayer已经开始支持p2p了,对这块非常感兴趣于是开始玩flex,一玩下来不可自拔。用Stratus搭建p2p环 境如此简单,双方只需要能连上Stratus服务器就能直接进行语音视频的聊天,不需要任何客户端。Adobe还真是NB,呵呵出了这么XX的东东,前途 无可限量啊。
闲话少说,这几天小搞了下,用MySQL和flex弄了个简易随机视频聊天室,和有共同爱好的各位一起分享下。高手可以直接飞过哈,欢迎提出意见, 毕竟刚玩没多久,问题很多。
这个模块网上有很多教程了,Adobe官方的那个Sample就很 好。我就是以此为基础进行开发的。可能有些朋友还不是很了解,为了每个人都能搞清楚,下面针对代码详细地进行下介绍。
由于是p2p模式,每个用户既是呼叫者又是被呼叫者。更具体点,举个例子有两个人A和B打电话。A呼叫B,此时A是呼叫者,B是被呼叫者。反之B是 呼叫者,A是被呼叫者。因此在每个p2p模块中必须要有呼叫者和被呼叫者两个部分。
002 |
listenStream = new NetStream(netConnection,NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS); |
003 |
listenStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,statusHandler); |
004 |
listenStream.publish(username); |
006 |
var c: Object = new Object (); |
007 |
c.onPeerConnect = function (caller:NetStream): Boolean |
009 |
if (callState == CallReady) |
013 |
callState = CallRinging; |
014 |
idManager.change(callState); |
016 |
incomingStream = new NetStream(netConnection,caller.farID); |
017 |
incomingStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,statusHandler); |
019 |
video.attachNetStream(incomingStream); |
020 |
remoteVideoDisplay.addChild(video); |
021 |
incomingStream.play( "caller" ); |
023 |
var st:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(speakerVolumeSlider.value); |
024 |
incomingStream.soundTransform = st; |
026 |
var i: Object = new Object (); |
027 |
i.onIncomingCall = function (caller: String ): void |
029 |
if (callState != CallRinging) |
031 |
txtInfo.text += "onIncomingCall: Wrong call state: " + callState + "\n" ; |
034 |
send_bn.enabled= true ; |
035 |
txtInfo.text += caller + "已经成功与您连接上\n" ; |
036 |
partnername = caller; |
039 |
callState = CallEstablished; |
042 |
i.onIm = function (caller: String ,text: String ): void |
044 |
txtMessage.text += caller+ ": " +text+ "\n" ; |
046 |
i.onDisconnected = function (caller: String ): void |
048 |
txtInfo.text += caller+ "和你断开连接\n" ; |
049 |
send_bn.enabled= false ; |
052 |
incomingStream.client = i; |
054 |
outgoingStream = new NetStream(netConnection,NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS); |
055 |
outgoingStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,callee_outgoingStreamHandler); |
056 |
outgoingStream.attachCamera(camera); |
057 |
outgoingStream.attachAudio(mic); |
058 |
outgoingStream.publish( "callee" ); |
062 |
txtInfo.text += "onPeerConnect: all rejected due to state: " + callState + "\n" ; |
066 |
listenStream.client = c; |
070 |
callState = CallReady; |
074 |
callState = CallCalling; |
075 |
idManager.change(callState); |
078 |
controlStream = new NetStream(netConnection,farPeerID); |
079 |
controlStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,statusHandler); |
080 |
controlStream.play(partnername); |
082 |
outgoingStream = new NetStream(netConnection,NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS); |
083 |
outgoingStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,caller_outgoingStreamHandler); |
084 |
outgoingStream.attachCamera(camera); |
085 |
outgoingStream.attachAudio(mic); |
086 |
outgoingStream.publish( "caller" ); |
087 |
txtInfo.text += "正在与" +partnername+ "建立连接\n" ; |
089 |
incomingStream = new NetStream(netConnection,farPeerID); |
090 |
incomingStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,statusHandler); |
092 |
video.attachNetStream(incomingStream); |
093 |
remoteVideoDisplay.addChild(video); |
094 |
incomingStream.play( "callee" ); |
096 |
var st:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(speakerVolumeSlider.value); |
097 |
incomingStream.soundTransform = st; |
099 |
var i: Object = new Object (); |
100 |
i.onIm = function (callee: String ,text: String ): void |
102 |
txtMessage.text += callee+ ": " +text+ "\n" ; |
104 |
i.onCallAccepted = function (callee: String ): void |
106 |
if (callState != CallCalling) |
108 |
txtInfo.text += "连接失 败" ; |
111 |
send_bn.enabled= true ; |
112 |
txtInfo.text += callee+ "已经成功与您连接上\n" ; |
113 |
callState = CallEstablished; |
116 |
i.onDisconnected = function (callee: String ): void |
118 |
txtInfo.text += callee+ "和你断开连接\n" ; |
119 |
send_bn.enabled= false ; |
122 |
incomingStream.client = i; |
这个项目我使用MySQL进行用户数据库设计,用户端产生相应行为后(如登录,下线,聊天,空闲等)会在数据库中更新自己的状态,其他用户根据查询得到的 结果进行操作。数据库结构见下图:
用户 名 peerID 更新时间 在线状态 聊天状态

HTTPService组件位于mx.rpc.http包下,当调用 HTTPService 对象的 send()
方法时,将发出对指定 URL 的 HTTP 请求,并且返回 HTTP 响应。可以选择向指定 URL 传递参数。项目中通过HTTPService组件传递用户端的参数到php网页,由php根据相应的参数操作数据库,返回相应的结果交由用户端执行。
1 |
mHttpService = new HTTPService(); |
2 |
mHttpService.url = mWebServiceUrl; |
02 |
mHttpService.addEventListener( "result" , httpResult); |
03 |
mHttpService.addEventListener( "fault" , httpFault); |
05 |
var request: Object = new Object (); |
06 |
var now: Date = new Date (); |
07 |
request.time = now.getTime(); |
08 |
request.username = user; |
09 |
request.identity = id; |
12 |
mHttpService.cancel(); |
13 |
mHttpService.send(request); |
02 |
$output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" ; |
03 |
$output .= "<result>" ; |
04 |
if ( isset($_GET[ "username" ]) || isset($_GET[ "friends" ]) || isset($_GET[ "fetch" ])) |
06 |
define( "DATABASE_SERVER" , "localhost" ); |
07 |
define( "DATABASE_USERNAME" , "root" ); |
08 |
define( "DATABASE_PASSWORD" , "root" ); |
09 |
define( "DATABASE_NAME" , "root" ); |
10 |
$mySQL = mysql_connect( DATABASE_SERVER, |
13 |
or die( mysql_error() ); |
14 |
mysql_select_db( DATABASE_NAME ); |
17 |
if ( isset($_GET[ "username" ]) ) |
20 |
$user = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET[ "username" ] ); |
21 |
$identity = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET[ "identity" ] ); |
22 |
$online = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET[ "online" ] ); |
23 |
$busy = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET[ "busy" ] ); |
25 |
$query = "SELECT * FROM registrations WHERE m_username='$user' ;" ; |
26 |
$result = mysql_query( $query ); |
28 |
$isNew = ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) == 0 ); |
30 |
$query = "INSERT INTO registrations SET " ; |
31 |
$query .= "m_username='$user', m_identity='$identity', m_updatetime=now(), m_online='$online', m_busy='$busy';" ; |
33 |
$query = "UPDATE registrations SET " ; |
34 |
$query .= " m_identity='$identity', m_updatetime=now(), m_online='$online', m_busy='$busy' where m_username='$user';" ; |
36 |
$result = mysql_query( $query ); |
38 |
$output .= "<update>true</update>" ; |
40 |
$output .= "<update>false</update>" ; |
02 |
if ( isset($_GET[ "friends" ]) ) |
04 |
$friends = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET[ "friends" ] ); |
05 |
$output .= "<friend><user>$friends</user>" ; |
06 |
$query = "select * from registrations where m_username = '$friends' and TIMEDIFF(now(),m_updatetime) >0 ;" ; |
08 |
$result = mysql_query( $query ); |
10 |
while ( $item = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { |
11 |
$output .= "<identity>" .$item[ "m_identity" ]. "</identity>" ; |
14 |
$output .= "</friend>" ; |
02 |
if ( isset( $_GET[ "fetch" ]) ) |
04 |
$time = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET[ "time" ] ); |
05 |
$query = "select m_number from registrations order by m_username asc ;" ; |
07 |
$result =mysql_query($query); |
10 |
$num = mysql_num_rows($result); |
11 |
$output .= "<fetch><num>" .$num. "</num>" ; |
14 |
$query = "select m_username from registrations where m_online ='1' and m_busy = '0' order by m_username asc ;" ; |
15 |
$result = mysql_query($query); |
19 |
$onlinenum = mysql_num_rows($result); |
20 |
$output .= "<onlinenum>" .$onlinenum. "</onlinenum><users>" ; |
22 |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) |
24 |
$output .= "<user" .$i. ">" .$row[ 0 ]. "</user" .$i. ">" ; |
27 |
$output .= "</users></fetch>" ;"; |
34 |
$output .= "</result>" ; |
36 |
header( "Content-Type: text/xml" ); |
主程序界面实时显示在线用户状态,可以双击列表空闲用户进行聊天 也可以点击随机按钮随机选取在线空闲用户进行聊天。