ID |
孩子个数 |
薪水 |
婚姻状况 |
是否优质顾客? |
ID-1 |
2 |
45000 |
Married |
0 |
ID-2 |
0 |
30000 |
Single |
1 |
ID-3 |
1 |
40000 |
Divorced |
1 |
… |
IF (孩子个数(NOC) = 2) AND (薪水(S) > 80000) THEN 优良顾客 ELSE 不良顾客。
遗传编程(genetic programming)基于遗传算法,传统的遗传算法是用定长的线性字符串表示一个基因。而遗传编程基于树的形式,其树的深度和宽度是可变的。树可以轻易表达算术表达式,逻辑表达式,程序等。例如
(2) 逻辑表达式:(x Ù true) ® (( x Ú y ) Ú (z « (x Ù y)))。可以由树表达为
i =1;
while (i < 20){
i = i +1
x |
y |
Result |
2 |
7 |
21 |
8 |
5 |
83 |
8 |
4 |
81 |
7 |
9 |
75 |
7 |
4 |
65 |
def examplefun(x, y): return x * x + x + 2 * y + 1 def constructcheckdata(count=10): checkdata = [] for i in range(0, count): dic = {} x = randint(0, 10) y = randint(0, 10) dic['x'] = x dic['y'] = y dic['result'] = examplefun(x, y) checkdata.append(dic) return checkdata
class funwrapper: def __init__(self, function, childcount, name): self.function = function self.childcount = childcount self.name = name class variable: def __init__(self, var, value=0): self.var = var self.value = value self.name = str(var) self.type = "variable" def evaluate(self): return self.varvalue def setvar(self, value): self.value = value def display(self, indent=0): print '%s%s' % (' '*indent, self.var) class const: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.name = str(value) self.type = "constant" def evaluate(self): return self.value def display(self, indent=0): print '%s%d' % (' '*indent, self.value)
class node: def __init__(self, type, children, funwrap, var=None, const=None): self.type = type self.children = children self.funwrap = funwrap self.variable = var self.const = const self.depth = self.refreshdepth() self.value = 0 self.fitness = 0 def eval(self): if self.type == "variable": return self.variable.value elif self.type == "constant": return self.const.value else: for c in self.children: result = [c.eval() for c in self.children] return self.funwrap.function(result) def getfitness(self, checkdata):#checkdata like {"x":1,"result":3"} diff = 0 #set variable value for data in checkdata: self.setvariablevalue(data) diff += abs(self.eval() - data["result"]) self.fitness = diff def setvariablevalue(self, value): if self.type == "variable": if value.has_key(self.variable.var): self.variable.setvar(value[self.variable.var]) else: print "There is no value for variable:", self.variable.var return if self.type == "constant": pass if self.children:#function node for child in self.children: child.setvariablevalue(value) def refreshdepth(self): if self.type == "constant" or self.type == "variable": return 0 else: depth = [] for c in self.children: depth.append(c.refreshdepth()) return max(depth) + 1 def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.fitness, other.fitness) def display(self, indent=0): if self.type == "function": print (' '*indent) + self.funwrap.name elif self.type == "variable": print (' '*indent) + self.variable.name elif self.type == "constant": print (' '*indent) + self.const.name if self.children: for c in self.children: c.display(indent + 1) ##for draw node def getwidth(self): if self.type == "variable" or self.type == "constant": return 1 else: result = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.children)): result += self.children[i].getwidth() return result def drawnode(self, draw, x, y): if self.type == "function": allwidth = 0 for c in self.children: allwidth += c.getwidth()*100 left = x - allwidth / 2 #draw the function name draw.text((x - 10, y - 10), self.funwrap.name, (0, 0, 0)) #draw the children for c in self.children: wide = c.getwidth()*100 draw.line((x, y, left + wide / 2, y + 100), fill=(255, 0, 0)) c.drawnode(draw, left + wide / 2, y + 100) left = left + wide elif self.type == "variable": draw.text((x - 5 , y), self.variable.name, (0, 0, 0)) elif self.type == "constant": draw.text((x - 5 , y), self.const.name, (0, 0, 0)) def drawtree(self, jpeg="tree.png"): w = self.getwidth()*100 h = self.depth * 100 + 120 img = Image.new('RGB', (w, h), (255, 255, 255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) self.drawnode(draw, w / 2, 20) img.save(jpeg, 'PNG')
def _maketree(self, startdepth): if startdepth == 0: #make a new tree nodepattern = 0#function elif startdepth == self.maxdepth: nodepattern = 1#variable or constant else: nodepattern = randint(0, 1) if nodepattern == 0: childlist = [] selectedfun = randint(0, len(self.funwraplist) - 1) for i in range(0, self.funwraplist[selectedfun].childcount): child = self._maketree(startdepth + 1) childlist.append(child) return node("function", childlist, self.funwraplist[selectedfun]) else: if randint(0, 1) == 0:#variable selectedvariable = randint(0, len(self.variablelist) - 1) return node("variable", None, None, variable(self.variablelist[selectedvariable]), None) else: selectedconstant = randint(0, len(self.constantlist) - 1) return node("constant", None, None, None, const(self.constantlist[selectedconstant]))
def mutate(self, tree, probchange=0.1, startdepth=0): if random() < probchange: return self._maketree(startdepth) else: result = deepcopy(tree) if result.type == "function": result.children = [self.mutate(c, probchange, startdepth + 1) for c in tree.children] return result
def crossover(self, tree1, tree2, probswap=0.8, top=1): if random() < probswap and not top: return deepcopy(tree2) else: result = deepcopy(tree1) if tree1.type == "function" and tree2.type == "function": result.children = [self.crossover(c, choice(tree2.children), probswap, 0) for c in tree1.children] return result
def roulettewheelsel(self, reverse=False): if reverse == False: allfitness = 0 for i in range(0, self.size): allfitness += self.population[i].fitness randomnum = random()*(self.size - 1) check = 0 for i in range(0, self.size): check += (1.0 - self.population[i].fitness / allfitness) if check >= randomnum: return self.population[i], i if reverse == True: allfitness = 0 for i in range(0, self.size): allfitness += self.population[i].fitness randomnum = random() check = 0 for i in range(0, self.size): check += self.population[i].fitness * 1.0 / allfitness if check >= randomnum: return self.population[i], i
def envolve(self, maxgen=100, crossrate=0.9, mutationrate=0.1): for i in range(0, maxgen): print "generation no.", i child = [] for j in range(0, int(self.size * self.newbirthrate / 2)): parent1, p1 = self.roulettewheelsel() parent2, p2 = self.roulettewheelsel() newchild = self.crossover(parent1, parent2) child.append(newchild)#generate new tree parent, p3 = self.roulettewheelsel() newchild = self.mutate(parent, mutationrate) child.append(newchild) #refresh all tree's fitness for j in range(0, int(self.size * self.newbirthrate)): replacedtree, replacedindex = self.roulettewheelsel(reverse=True) #replace bad tree with child self.population[replacedindex] = child[j] for k in range(0, self.size): self.population[k].getfitness(self.checkdata) self.population[k].depth=self.population[k].refreshdepth() if self.minimaxtype == "min": if self.population[k].fitness < self.besttree.fitness: self.besttree = self.population[k] elif self.minimaxtype == "max": if self.population[k].fitness > self.besttree.fitness: self.besttree = self.population[k] print "best tree's fitbess..",self.besttree.fitness self.besttree.display() self.besttree.drawtree()