简介 Book Description
Flexible Rails is a unique, application-based guide for using Ruby on Rails 2 and Adobe Flex 3 to build rich Internet applications (RIAs). It is not an exhaustive Ruby on Rails or Flex reference. Instead, it is an extensive tutorial in which the reader builds multiple iterations of an interesting RIA using Flex and Rails together.
Author Peter Armstrong walks readers through eleven iterations in which the sample application–pomodo–is variously built, refactored, Debugged, sliced, diced and otherwise explored from every conceivable angle with respect to Ruby on Rails and Adobe Flex. The book unfolds both the application and the Flex-on-Rails approach side-by-side.
目录 Summary of contents
PART 1 GETTING STARTED ………………………………………………. 1
1 ■ Why are we here? Where are we going? 3
2 ■ Hello World 14
3 ■ Getting started 52
4 ■ Creating the main Flex UI 105
5 ■ Expanding the Rails code, RESTfully 118
6 ■ Flex on Rails 186
7 ■ Validation 261
PART 3 REFACTORING…………………………………………………. 293
8 ■ Refactoring to Cairngorm 295
9 ■ Holding state on the client properly 369
PART 4 FINISHING UP………………………………………………….. 419
10 ■ Finishing the application 421
11 ■ Refactoring to RubyAMF 468
12 ■ Rails on AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) 512
作者 About the Author
Peter Armstrong is a professional developer who has been working with Flex full-time since July 2004 and Ruby on Rails since mid-2005–that's before Rails 1.0. His background includes five years of working with Java Swing and a brief stint with PHP during the dotcom bubble in 2000.
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[书]Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2
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