[图书]Adobe AIR with Ajax Visual QuickPro Guide

Download Adobe AIR with Ajax Visual QuickPro Guide
下载 Adobe AIR with Ajax Visual QuickPro Guide

简介 Book Description
AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) is Adobe’s open-source technology that lets Web developers and programmers create Rich Internet Applications that run outside of any Web browser. This Visual QuickPro Guide teaches everything you need to know to begin creating applications that combine the rich experience of a traditional desktop application with the power and reach of the Internet. The book uses a visual, step-by-step approach and covers all the fundamental AIR concepts, without the fluff, confusing segues, and technical jargon that bog down so many other computer books. Author Larry Ullman has a well-earned reputation for writing books that are accessible, easy-to-follow, and, above all, useful. This book focuses solely on developing AIR applications using HTML and JavaScript, although formal knowledge of JavaScript is not required.
目录 Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Chapter 1: Running Air Applications
o Installing the Runtime
o Installing an Application
o Running an Application
* Chapter 2: Creating an HTML Application
o Installing the SDK
o Updating Your Path on Windows
o Updating Your Path on Mac
o Creating the Structure
o Creating the HTML File
o Creating the XML File
o Testing the Application
o Creating a Certificate
o Building the Application
* Chapter 3: AIR Development Tools
o Using Aptana Studio
o Using Dreamweaver
o Creating Digital Signatures
* Chapter 4: Basic Concepts and Code
o Technological Background
o Using AIRAliases.js
o JavaScript Frameworks
o ActionScript Libraries
o Handling Events
o The XMLHttpRequest Object
* Chapter 5: Debugging
o Using JavaScript Dialogs
o Debugging with Firefox
o Using Trace
o More adl Options
o Other Debugging Techniques
* Chapter 6: Making Windows
o Creating a New Window
o Creating a New Native Window
o Customizing Windows
o Accessing a New Native Window
o Creating Full-Screen Windows
o Handling Window Events
o Creating a New Look
o Moving and Resizing Windows
* Chapter 7: Creating Menus
o Menu Terminology
o Creating a Menu
o Handling Menu Events
o OS-specific Menus
o Adding Keyboard Equivalents
o Changing a Menu Item's State
* Chapter 8: Importing and Exporting Data
o Copying
o Pasting
o Working with Different Formats
o Drag and Drop In
o Drag and Drop Out
* Chapter 9: Files and Directories
o Fundamentals
o User Browsing
o Accessing File Information
o Reading Directories
o Deleting Files and Directories
o Copying and Moving
* Chapter 10: Working with File Content
o Reading from Files
o Writing to Files
o An Asynchronous Example
o Using Binary Data
* Chapter 11: Using Databases
o Creating a Database
o Creating a Table
o Distributing a Database
o Inserting Records
o Retrieving Records
o Updating and Deleting Records
* Chapter 12: Database Techniques
o Distributing Databases
o Using Prepared Statements
o Fetching Records in Groups
o Performing Transactions
o Improving Performance
o Debugging Techniques
* Chapter 13: Networking
o The URLRequest Class
o Receiving Data
o Parsing Data
o Transmitting Data
o Downloading Files
o Downloading Large Files
o Uploading Files
* Chapter 14: Using Other Media
o Playing a Sound
o Playing Lounger Sounds
o Playing Streaming Sounds
o Controlling Sounds
o Displaying PDFs
o Using XML Data
* Chapter 15: Security Techniques
o The AIR Security Model
o Using Non-Application Sandbox Content
o Using the Sandbox Bridge
o Storing Encrypted Data
o Validating Data
o Best Security Practices
* Chapter 16: Deploying Applications
o More Application Descriptor File Options
o Using Custom Icons
o Seamless Installations
o More Application Ideas
o Updating an Application
作者 About the Author
Larry Ullman is the president of Digital Media and Communications, Inc., a firm specializing in information technology. He is the author of the best-selling book PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide, as well as several other books on related technologies. Larry also writes articles on these subjects and teaches them in small and large group settings. Despite working with computers, programming languages, databases, and such since the early 1980s, Larry still claims he’s not a computer geek (but he admits he can speak their language).
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